The neighborhood of Derwood in Rockville, MD is an urban neighborhood located in the city of Washington, D.C. The median real estate price in this area is $794,089, making it one of the most expensive in the entire United States. The average rental price in Derwood is $2,870, which is higher than the Maryland average of $1,500. Despite its relatively high real estate prices, the area is still considered relatively safe and is a great place to raise a family.
The median age of residents in the Derwood neighborhood is 35, making it a younger neighborhood. Compared to the average American, housing costs in this area are 8.3% less expensive than those in nearby Rockville. Additionally, commute times are 2.7 minutes longer. If you’re looking for an affordable home, you should consider purchasing one in the upscale Derwood community. There are many single-family homes in the area, as well as apartments and condominiums. More about nearby areas.
The Derwood neighborhood in Rockville, Maryland has a diverse population of people. According to a NeighborhoodScout analysis, the median income of residents in this neighborhood is 15.3% higher than the national average. The district has a very liberal population and is known for its high-quality public schools. For this reason, residents in Derwood are highly educated. Despite the neighborhood’s diverse demographic, there are a few disadvantages to living in the area. Learn more here.
Sam’s Pizza & Subs
MDOT MVA Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program
Derwood Cemetery
Thos. Somerville Co.
Dimensional Marble & Tile, Inc.