If you’re looking for a great place to live in the Rockville, Maryland area, Randolph Hills is a top option. This neighborhood offers competitively priced, midsize homes for sale. This area of town is an established one, and continues to draw buyers from the surrounding areas. Read on to discover more about this neighborhood. We’ve also highlighted some of the best features of living in Randolph. In addition, we’ve listed the top things to do in the neighborhood.
Residents of Randolph Hills / Franklin Park in Rockville, Maryland, report a large percentage of Italian, German, and South American ancestry. A small percentage, however, identify as Irish or South American. In addition, more than a third of the area’s population has been born outside of the United States, which is a positive sign for local residents. As a result, the median price of real estate in this neighborhood is higher than the national average. More local news here.
This popular Rockville, Maryland neighborhood has a high percentage of military personnel. This is a good sign for residents who are able to work from home. While most of the residents drive to work in their private automobile, a large number of residents also take public transportation. For example, 7.8% of the residents carpool with co-workers, neighbors, and friends. In addition, a higher percentage of households speak Spanish and Portuguese. Learn more here.
The Little Towns Children’s Museum
Dewey Local Park
Loehmann’s Plaza
Hot Tubs Of Rockville
Viers Mill Elementary School